Anonymous ID: 2e8da7 Aug. 1, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.2401377   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Artist’s Painting of Trump ‘Crossing the Swamp’ Causes Social Media Firestorm


American artist Jon McNaughton, who is no stranger to controversy, tweeted a photo of his painting titled Crossing the Swamp, with the caption, ”Never give up. Never lower your light. Never stop till the swamp is dry.”


McNaughton’s painting depicts Trump standing with a lamp at the boat’s helm in homage to President George Washington standing at the helm the famous 1851 Emanuel Leutze painting titled Washington Crossing the Delaware.


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Anonymous ID: 2e8da7 Aug. 1, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2401472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1731 >>1776 >>2075

Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg to Produce Women’s Voting Rights Drama


Hillary Clinton and Steven Spielberg are joining forces to bring Elaine Weiss’ The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote to television.


Amblin TV, the television production division of Spielberg’s Amblin Partners, has named Clinton as an executive producer of the project, with talks still ongoing as to whether to turn the critically acclaimed book into a series or TV movie. Reports say Netflix, Amazon, Apple and HBO are among the online stream and premium cable networks that Amblin TV will pitch the project to.


In a statement released Wednesday, Clinton said she is “thrilled,” to be working with Amblin Television on the project.


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Anonymous ID: 2e8da7 Aug. 1, 2018, 6 p.m. No.2401588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1599 >>1617 >>1631

Alyssa Milano: ‘If They Fire Mueller, We Take to the Streets’


Actress and gun control activist Alyssa Milano put out a call to the Resistance on Wednesday, warning of a revolt if Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election is ended.


“If they fire Mueller, we take to the streets,” Alyssa Milano tweeted in response to a tweet sent by President Donald Trump, urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions halt the Mueller probe.


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Anonymous ID: 2e8da7 Aug. 1, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.2401707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bucknell Removes Website References to Alum Les Moonves Amidst Misconduct Claims


Bucknell University has removed all references to alumnus and CBS CEO Les Moonves from its website amidst sexual misconduct allegations that were published by the New Yorker this week.


Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, has removed all online references one of its most visible alumni after Ronan Farrow of the New Yorker published an exposé detailing accusations from six women who claim that Moonves had behaved inappropriately around them.


Moonves was accused by six women of inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. The alleged behavior ranges from forcible touching or kissing during business meetings to threats to end the careers of women who rejected his advances.


In a statement to the Bucknell community, university president John Bravman broadly condemned sexual misconduct. “Given Mr. Moonves’ visibility as a prominent alumnus, I felt the need to let you know that we are aware of these reports,” Bravman wrote. “Sexual misconduct is unacceptable — on campus or beyond, and Bucknell will not stand for such behavior.”


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remember penn state ?

Anonymous ID: 2e8da7 Aug. 1, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.2401753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Francis: Sacrificing Children for Career Is Modern ‘Idolatry’


Modern idolatry takes many forms, Pope Francis said Wednesday, including not having children in order to advance one’s career.


“Idols demand a cult and rituals,” the pope said at his weekly General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square. “People bow down before them and sacrifice everything. In antiquity, human sacrifices were made to idols, but even today people sacrifice their children for their career, neglecting them or simply not generating them.”


Children are not the only sacrifice laid on the altar of idols, the pope continued, and one’s career is not the only idol on offer.


“Beauty demands human sacrifices. Fame calls for the immolation of self, one’s innocence and authenticity,” he said.


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