Any math/statanons that could figure out sphere/% of influence
based on the top 25 influencers story?
In short, seeing that his influence is greater than 1 of 25.
Logan and Jake Paul
Charlotte and Dave Willner
Naomi Watanabe
President Trump
Desus and Mero
Kanye West
Roland Szabo
Eman al Nafjan
Scott Rogowksy
The Woman of hashtag#BabaeAko
Ryan ToysReview
Shaun King
Matt Drudge
Kayla Itsines
Busy Phillips
Lil Miquela
The Students of Parkland, Fla
Kylie Jenner
Based on influence in the list
POTUS is 4%
if only looking at the individuals/total
Yet of the 25 these would up the % influence for POTUS
Kanye West = heavy + support for; more eyes to Hollywood influence/corruption, inner city decay by corrupt politicians, working with Trump, corruption in social programs, corruption at HUD,
Drudgereport ? = not sure, yet believe Drudgereport is instrumental in helping Trump
Q = obviously tons of + support; more eyeballs on msm fake news?
Shaun King = not supportive of Trump, yet his feud with Candice Owens brings more eyeballs: 1st Amendment, group/cultthink, Trump doesn't see colors, #WalkAway
Students of Parkland = not supportive, yet their voices bring eyeballs to causes patriots feel strongly about: 2nd Amendment, Constitution, school preparing tomorrow's leaders, NRA
Charlotte and Dave Willner = not supportive, yet their fundraising brings more eyes to see what's been happening at the borders: security, invasion, sex trafficking, human trafficking, child trafficking, CP, drug running, drugs, gangs