Don Lemon just said hes gonna cover the Qanon conspiracy and pointed out the number 17 ….fuck yeah…
11X11 = 1234321
sauce: https:// www.nataliakuna.com/the-meaning-of-the-1111-phenomenon.html
There are other interesting mathematical findings about the number 1111.
If you times 811 by itself (11 x 11), you reach the number 1234321 which is very interesting, as if you apply that vertically as building blocks, you get the triangular form of a pyramid.
Also, if you convert 11 to a binary, you get 3, and 3 represents the trinity, which is also symbolized in sacred geometry as a triangle - so you there you have the pyramid shape again. So this again showcases 11 as a sacred number.
11 x 3 = 33, which is a Master Number in Numerology (as is the number 11), but also a number associated negatively in the occult through its use in freemasonry.