For example, between in or around December 2015 and in or around June 2017,
WOLFE and REPORTER #1 communicated at least five times using his SSCI emaii account.
WOLFE regulariy met clandestinely in person, and communicated, with
REPORTER #2, with REPORTER #3, and with other reporters, in places where the substance of
their commulications was mlikely to be detected by others, including secluded areas of the Hart
Senate Office Building, restaurants and bars, and private residences.
i3. During in or around 2013 and in or around 2014, REPORTER #2 was an
undergraduate student serving as an intem with a news service in Washington, D.C.
Ln approximately December 2013, WOLFE and REPORTER #2began a personal
relationship that continued until in or arorurd December 201 7.
From in or around mid-2014 through in or around December 2017, REPORTER #2
was employed in Washington, D.C. by several different news organizations covering national
security matters, including matters relating to the SSCI. During this period, REPORTER #2
published dozens ofnews articles about SSCI and its activities.