Anonymous ID: bec26f Aug. 1, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.2402308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405


For example, between in or around December 2015 and in or around June 2017,

WOLFE and REPORTER #1 communicated at least five times using his SSCI emaii account.

  1. WOLFE regulariy met clandestinely in person, and communicated, with

REPORTER #2, with REPORTER #3, and with other reporters, in places where the substance of

their commulications was mlikely to be detected by others, including secluded areas of the Hart

Senate Office Building, restaurants and bars, and private residences.


i3. During in or around 2013 and in or around 2014, REPORTER #2 was an

undergraduate student serving as an intem with a news service in Washington, D.C.

  1. Ln approximately December 2013, WOLFE and REPORTER #2began a personal

relationship that continued until in or arorurd December 201 7.

  1. From in or around mid-2014 through in or around December 2017, REPORTER #2

was employed in Washington, D.C. by several different news organizations covering national

security matters, including matters relating to the SSCI. During this period, REPORTER #2

published dozens ofnews articles about SSCI and its activities.


Anonymous ID: bec26f Aug. 1, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.2402405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. On or about March 17, 2017, WOLFE exchanged 82 text messages with

REPORTER #2, and that evening engaged in a 28-miaute phone with REPORTER #2.

  1. On or about Api|3,2017, a news organization published a:r or:.line article, under

REPORTER #2's byline, that revealed the identity of MALE-I.

a. On or about that same date, both before and after the online news article

was published, WOLFE arid REPORTER #2 exchanged approximately 124 electronic


b. Approximately 20 minutes after the onlhe news article was published,

WOLFE aad REPORTER #2 had a cellphone caII that lasted 7 minutes.


c. Thereafter, on or about that date, REPORTER #2 appeared on a national

cable television show to discuss REPORTER #2's online news article. Approximately 90

minutes later, WOLFE and REPORTER #2 had a phone call lasting 15 minutes.

  1. In or arould December 2017,btt before being interviewed by the FBI, WOLFE

sent a text message to REPORTER #2 that included the following: "I've watched your career take

off even before you ever had a career in joumalism. . . . I always tried to give you as much

information that I could and to do the right thing with it so you could get that scoop before anyone

else . . . . I always enjoyed the way that you would pursue a story,like nobody else was doing in

my hal1way. I felt like I was part of your excitement and was always very supportive of your

career and the tenacity that you exhibited to chase down a good story."