Fuck off
This is why Snowden had to be enticed back into trusting Trump, IMO.
He did a LOT of damage to our ability to surveil and intercept Black Hat comms. His motivation was pure, at the time, since he was exposing a dirty fucking government, but he still did a lot of damage.
I don't blame him for not trusting any of them.
He also signed into it Indefinite Detentionโฆ..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
It's what your mom said when her words weren't mumbling from my dick.
We don't obey illegal orders, shit for brains, the PRIMARY oath is to the Constitution, not a President or KING.
Night Shift Violence pushing shills are on the clock.
Nunes played his hand tonight on Tucker. The Black Hats now have a few weeks to turn before he READS THE ENTIRE UNREDACTED FISA APPL;ICATION into record during Congressional Session.
He was only 50% scared.
Read the 14 bloodlines of the illuminati pdf posted.
The ultimate irony.
And don't forget the CPD Spokesman recently arrested for kiddy porn.
Don't worry, some of us are watching closely.