Anonymous ID: 89c4d4 Aug. 1, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2405173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you remember the feeling of helplessness when a jigsaw puzzle is spilled on the dining room table?


Do you remember starting to look for corner pieces with a sense that the challenge ahead was insurmountable?


Do you remember when a small portion of the puzzle became clear and you could see it reflected on the box the puzzle came in?

Were you amazed as slowly you picked up pieces, carefully analyzed them and determined where they might fit?


Do you remember not forming an opinion, but setting them aside close to where you hoped they would fit? Do you remember others telling you that you had it wrong? Do you remember not caring and knowing that searching was the key and that right or wrong you would persist and eventually prevail?


That is what is going on here.


Anons who have carefully analyzed and evaluated tiny pieces of the puzzle are gathered here helping one another put the pieces together.

Some have spent decades looking at small niches.


Together we build a map of reality that alone we could not do.


What we are experiencing together is that the solved puzzle is bigger than we can imagine.


Those of us who have been at it for years have come to the realization that distinct areas of research are intertwined with others.

As we link them together we are convinced that the puzzle is bigger than we can imagine and that the image it reflects is pure evil.


Some of us are into economics and finance. We know the evils of fiat reserve currency and the incredible power we give to those we allow to print money out of thin air. We have studied central banking, free markets, the Bank of International Settlements and we know that the a web of bankers own all the corporations through the board of directors which they sit on.


Some of us analyze politics. We know that the left and the right are two wings of the same bird of prey. We know that no matter who is in power the State goes stronger and our liberties are further eroded. We know that the bankers own the politicians and that division is an illusion.


Some of us are philosophers that understand Hegelian Dialectics. We understand how propaganda works and how we are intentionally divided in order to generate consensus.


Many of us know that through control of our monetary system, our corporations and our politicians war is waged. Bugaboos are created and inflated in order for funding to flow so that corporations can profit.


What we have all come to realize is that the MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA has handed us the wrong box to the puzzle we are solving. We know that they want us to believe the puzzle is complete without trying to piece it together for ourselves. We understand that they are not the fabricators of the puzzle but they are the ones handing us a false picture to work on.


The individuals here have set that false map aside and are no longer wasting time trying to put pieces together according to the image they are broadcasting.


We are the ones looking at the individual pieces of information, considering them carefully and piecing them together into a new image. We step back, look at the big picture and then continue picking up the pieces and carefully considering where they should go.


Karl Rove once said that the WH creates its own reality and if it doesn't like the reality it created it spins a new one.




From this point forward we the people, the individuals are collaborating to form our own opinions. Building a picture of reality which is authentic and ours. We don't care that others are working off a different map. We don't even assume there is a map.


This makes us invulnerable.

Spin if you must.

Weave if you can.

Spontaneity is what you are seeing here.

In order to benefit you must be able to look at the complex pieces of the puzzle and place them in the appropriate place in your own mental map.

Welcome to the new media.

Welcome to the new reality.

Think logically and trust yourself.

Spoon fed no more.