To polish this anons diamond a little with my own 2 pennies
I'd known about 4chan pol and 8chan bUT it's like I also know other stuff exists. So what. It waant until hwndu capture the flag followed by capture the bike lockfag I felt like marrisa viegler (Kate blanchet) seeing what hanna was capable of being, a super soldier.
It was amazing. I couldn't believe the implications of what these beautiful anons were capable of being, spontaneous order out of chaos.
When q drops started , I was quickly hooked. Even if it was a larp, as one anon said
Best tv show ever boss
Even better than video games
To which q said
Thisis not a game
Learn to play the game
One of my favorite q lines
I got a buncha hunch q had a similar revelation
What hwndu and clantonfagflag demonstrated was a complete BC/AD event, it's never going to be the same
Why do we pay these high level embarrassments at GCHQ cia billions when they can't come close to anons (who are using open source info and software )
This is the rapid decentralization of everything
What is cabal doing for last decade ? The opposite, slow boil centralization.
We know the game now. We know the stakes.