Friendly reminder to the media that the Age of Pisces is nearing its end.
What are the traits of the zodiac sign, Pisces? Self-sacrifice, imagination and illusion. Piscean people have malleable minds that can absorb feelings and thoughts, which makes them particularly susceptible to emotional manipulation.
Does this sound familiar in a period of time where Hollywood and the media have been used as a weapon to shape the public's perceptions? Where literature and theater were used before that? Where books are burned and history is rewritten to support a narrative?
Well that time is coming to an end. The strength of the illusion you attempt to press on our collective consciousness is fading as we move toward the Age of Aquarius.
What are the traits of Aquarius? Information, independence, freedom and independent thought. As the illusion fades, people are also starting to think for themselves and yearn for revolution more every day. Good luck continuing to promote your lies.