Anonymous ID: 7dd827 Aug. 1, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.2405576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5675


octahedron. this guy explains it a lot better than I can. this is the best explanation I have seen yet though that checks of all of the boxes. Youtube killed this dudes channel back in May completely out of left field with no warning. This also explains the flat earth psyop in my mind which is designed as a trap for truthers. The one thing that flat earth cannot explain is the observance of star trails. They rotate one direction in the northern hemisphere and the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. Personally I think NASA is fake and gay and there are way too many phenomena that convex spinning ball earth cannot explain. We are not moving and this concave model presented in the video makes the most sense in my mind.

Anonymous ID: 7dd827 Aug. 1, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.2406006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018


these satanists/occultists that have been running the world for the last millenia or so love to reverse everything right? my theory is they reversed the earth and put us on the outside of a moving sphere when really we are on the inside of a stationary sphere. There are way too many quality experiments that debunk the supposed curvature of the earth which led me to flat earth. Then I realized that flat earth was just another trap. IT's much like the early 9/11 truth movements. they throw you a little bone but build walls in other places and keep you running in circles and all of the early 9/11 documentaries included the airplane lie. No planes were used. NASA has been busted God knows how many times at this point and has still not been able to show us a video of the earth actually spinning. Their entire bit is 100% bullshit. The "moon" rocks are turning out to be petrified wood, all of the original footage was destroyed, we haven't been back, they supposedly broadcast a wireless feed from the moon, 300,000 miles away, in 1969. I mean seriously anybody with half a brain and a little bit of research should be able to figure it out.