Anonymous ID: 4d7583 Aug. 1, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2406400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maria and Nunes on Fox this past weekend discussing the FISA and redaction. Request for the doc to be released un-redacted. Clues here on the really juicy stuff.

Anonymous ID: 4d7583 Aug. 1, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.2406493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6594

==Anon Thread Prayingmedic FISA breakdown=



Good stuff and pictures too. Newbie's might like this.


Q posts can be found here:


My theme: FISA is the Foundation


2) Many people have given up hope that corrupt government officials will ever be prosecuted. We've been programmed by years of experience to believe they've rigged the system in a way that will forever allow them to evade prosecution.


3) There is no disappointment without expectation.


Many of us have unrealistic expectations of what the prosecution of corruption looks like. We want arrests and we want them yesterday and until the crooks are in jail, we won't be satisfied.


4) The corruption in government is cleverly disguised crime syndicate.


The arrest of America's most notorious crime syndicate leader, Al Capone, provides a blueprint for the way our own corrupt government officials will be taken down.


5) In the film, "Untouchables" Elliot Ness had a problem. Most of the cops he worked with were corrupt. He was advised by an older, wiser cop to find some new blood—cops who were untainted by the system's corruption.


=Click the link to read more=

Anonymous ID: 4d7583 Aug. 1, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.2406612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6690 >>6722 >>6723

Meet China's "Secret" Space Control Listening Base In Argentina Now Alarming US Officials


08/02/2018 - 01:00


A recent New York Times piece has sounded the alarm over what Washington perceives as China's "expanding reach into Latin America," related to a space mission control center located in the heart of the Patagonia region of Argentina.


It begins with an eerily beautiful description of an imposing structure, guarded by Chinese military personnel, unexpectedly rising out of Patagonian desert:


The giant antenna rises from the desert floor like an apparition, a gleaming metal tower jutting 16 stories above an endless wind-whipped stretch of Patagonia. The 450-ton device, with its hulking dish embracing the open skies, is the centerpiece of a $50 million satellite and space mission control station built by the Chinese military. The station began operating in March, playing a pivotal role in China’s audacious expedition to the far side of the moon — an endeavor that Argentine officials say they are elated to support.


The underlying perspective of the New York Times report over what is otherwise ostensibly a peaceful Argentine-Chinese space communications partnership is presented bluntly in the third stanza: "The isolated base is one of the most striking symbols of Beijing’s long push to transform Latin America and shape its future for generations to come — often in ways that directly undermine the United States’ political, economic and strategic power in the region."


For Washington strategists the Chinese military-constructed "deep space research" communications base, defined visually by the massive antenna that juts out of the otherwise small facility in an isolated country area of Neuquen province, represents China's growing ability to sow deep economic inroads and expanding political influence in Latin America via secretive negotiations.


The NYT notes "concerns" over Chinese tech infrastructure being established as part of an extension to China's global Belt and Road initiative:


But the way the base was negotiated — in secret, at a time when Argentina desperately needed investment — and concerns that it could enhance China’s intelligence-gathering capabilities in the Western Hemisphere have set off a debate in Argentina about the risks and benefits of being pulled into China’s orbit.


Base construction moved forward after a 50-year contract for was negotiated between the government of Argentina's former President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner (2007-2015) and the administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and approved by Argentinian parliament in February 2015. It finally went online in March of 2018.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 4d7583 Aug. 1, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.2406677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Conservatives Banned From Social Media? Here's What They Can Do About It


08/01/2018 - 23:50


Authored by Brandon Smith via,


The past two years have seen a rather aggressive change in corporate policies toward the very customers they used to covet. Not long ago, CEOs tended to keep their political views mostly in the closet. Companies remained publicly neutral because their goal was first and foremost to make money. When they wanted to influence politics or social norms, they bought politicians - you know, the good old-fashioned way. The big banks still do this by funneling cash to both Republicans and Democrats alike.


However, in the wake of the social justice cult frenzy some companies have decided that ideology is more important than profit, and most of these companies are deeply involved in various forms of media.


Some people will argue that the media has always been leftist in its orientation and that this trend is nothing new. But, I think it is clear to anyone who has worked in countering mainstream media disinformation that something is very different today. Conservatives are being “cleansed” from participation in these communications platforms, and conservative ideals are being erased or misrepresented on a massive scale. Not long ago, media companies at least pretended to be “fair and balanced” by tolerating a certain level of participation by conservatives. No longer.


With the advent of the internet and social media, participation in political discussion has become more open to the common citizen than ever before. This is apparently an intolerable side effect that corporate elites would like to do away with.


It is a slightly complex problem, so I’ll try to break it down point by point:


First, companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter are not honest in the presentation of their own image. They initially depicted themselves as bastions of social commerce without any interest in ideological battles. If they had come right out in the open from the beginning and admitted they are running their platforms based on social justice lunacy, then perhaps conservatives would not have bothered to join in the first place. Then Facebook and others could keep their forums “ideologically pure” without misleading people.


Second, while these companies do have standards of behavior and rules for participants, the rules are deliberately broad and vaporous. They claim their rules focus on more abhorrent behaviors like overt racism, but then go on to define almost EVERYTHING that they disagree with as “racist.” This includes most conservative viewpoints and arguments. Therefore, it appears that social media corporations want to fool as many people as possible into joining their platforms, getting them addicted to participation, and then these companies want to have the option of controlling those people’s behavior through the fear of losing access.


Third, while this is clearly ideological zealotry, social media websites are also private property. They are not "free speech zones". They can invite people in, and they can demand people leave anytime they wish. If conservatives are going to argue in favor of private property rights and voluntary participation rights, then they must include private websites in this.


So then, what is the solution?


Some will claim that social media giants represent a public utility rather than private property and that they should be subjected to regulation by government in terms of political discrimination. I disagree.