Anonymous ID: 52dbcc Aug. 1, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.2406156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6186 >>6198 >>6227

As a Christian, my analysis of the Jewish Problem as laid out in the New Testament and from observation is this:


>God needs to set aside a people to make morally pure enough to receive and run with his message when He comes in the flesh to die for our sins. He chooses the Jews.

>Throughout their history leading up to Jesus' coming, they keep getting sidetracked and worshiping satan/idols, so God has to keep raising up prophets and kings to save them and keep his plan possible.

>At some point they write a false addendum to the Torah/Bible, which was really of God, the Talmud was NOT, where they praise themselves for being worthy of God and blame the goys for being the devil's kids. This, despite God already telling them they were chosen DESPITE not being worth of God and themselves, like all of else, being children of the serpent.

>Jesus finally comes, chastises them for becoming legalistic and self-righteous, and not actually knowing God.

>Lots of Jews hear the message and convert, Christianity is born and spreads.

>The rest of the Jews make Christ/Christianity their enemy, and the race is cursed to be "set up as enemy/villain" to Christians and to God. There will be many who still claim to be Jews but "instead worship at the synagogue of Satan."

>Part of their curse is that their eyes will remain closed to the fact that their Messiah, their Savior, their God has come. The chosen people have now become the people of the devil.

>Time passes, and just like in the olden days, many Jews fall down the path of idols and satanism (sacrifices, sex in the temple, child molestation–all stuff they got into in the Bible.

>Just like the olden days, it's not unanimous. Jews split into factions. The satanists, mentioned above. But also the overly works-pased, self-righteous (in old days the pharisees, in modern the Hassids/Orthodox?) and the lukewarm/indifferent (the secular/atheist Jew).

>In the mix are still plenty of decent religious people, who are still cursed to not recognize their Messiah.

>In the end, the satanists (cabal) will be crushed, the proud will be humbled, and the "decent" people will be "grafted in" as Paul says.

Anonymous ID: 52dbcc Aug. 1, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.2406227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6245


2 other related points I forget to mention:


>When God made his first covenant with Abraham, he put Abe to sleep to underscore just how little humanity had to do with the plan.

>the "grafted in" is part of God's end of the bargain to have generations up generations of Abraham's children in paradise. God upholds his end of the deal even when humanity fails.


This is 100% to show the mercy and perfect character of God, and some beauty in the fact that one race of people both delivered us the Christ child AND devolved into at least one branch that put forward the evil that brings on the anti-Christ.


Just some thoughts. Not a scholar.