MSM have taken the bait once again… Q expected the negative Qanon narrative in many articles today. GAME PLAN:
Q knew the MSM would run the negative narrative on Qanon in many MSM outlets today. They go onto say there is no proof about the corrupt democratic party, Hillary, Obama etc. The MSM is trying to control the narrative on Qanon so it is quickly swept under the carpet by the general public.
When the FISA is released (should be soon), the Qanon 'conspiracy theorists' will have a boat load of proof to back up what has been said in the past by Q (future proves past).
a) FISA = Proof of Corruption (the MSM's narrative has been 'there is no proof'). When FISA comes out, this will destroy the MSM narrative!
b) Proof of corruption from the FISA = The Q theory is REAL.
c) Q is REAL = GREATER public awakening!
*MSM believe they are controlling the narrative, however Q is tactically controlling the narrative! very clever!