Ooooo. I like this!
Timeless beauty.
Hahaha! Never thoght of them doing that, but you are exactly right!
ThanQ Baker!
Should be doubly great meditation with Sirius rising. All sortsa goodness awaits!
Ya know, the loss of creds and to fall from grace so hard, so fast, and what's left for them? Where do they work after this?
Suicidal sacrifices?
I mean, do you see chris mathews ever being able to do anything but blubber ever again?
They've gotta be planning change of narrative, don't they?
Keep your heads on a swivel, Anons.
That stuff is pretty saucy.
Any way to get it off the pages and put it here?
Oldies, but goodies!
Most of that has been scrubbed from this reality.
Ya know- now that you brought up the bilders (builders of the illusions), I've been hesitant to say; Exodus chapter 8 has to do with 'letting the people go to worship their God".
I've never really understood this book as it never seemed right that MY God would send these horrible things to inflict the population when God didn't get his way. So, is it perhaps- that these evil fuks believe that they can leave- like off-world exit?
Now it gets weird, cuz this transit of Sirius (I know y'all don't wanna hear it- but it's important) is all about(to them) going home. Just sayin. Do they plan to leave aka John Galt style? And when they exit stage left, do they attempt to blow us out of existence on their way out?
Just stuff that runs thru this tangled brain. Thought I'd share.
Just got done with a YUGE banking post- NOTABLE- that you probably wouldn't even understand.
Switching gears after a big dig is a good thing.
Besides, you tagged it secs after it hit the board. Before you even read it.
Agree. And this Sirius event (sky event?) it's larger than our sun. Brightest star out there- brighter than our sun, believe it or not! It is/was the Star of the East (Jesus). And both burn at around the same temp. A lot alike. They believe in it. Course, all the mystical stuff around it can be taken either way. Called the LION's GATE among other things- POTUS, our 'lion'? Also the Dog Star as in every Dog has it's Day. Hits close now, huh?
Read some of the vigilant linkage. Pretty interesting. Makes a brain bend.
Gotta know your enemy to defeat your enemy.
Supposedly, we don't need that oil. 10% ?
It will push the price of crude up tho and that will hurt GDP.
Trump doesn't wanna play that game.
I'm pretty sure it's like the radar at your local tv station cept bigger. Back in #44 days, they had some program prolly had to do with their muhclimate change- that put radar stations all over the country so many (like <100 mi) apart. If you watch weather modification and storms on radar, you can se these stations relaying and energizing cells- even pushing them one way or another.
There's that Ryugyong Hotel in NK that has to be some sort of mondo transmitter- just look at the thing.
Back in the Fifth Ave dig, we thought that they might have had a plan to link all these monster EF towers together for a giant amplification of EF type waves, like audible warfare stuff.
NK doesn't make sense tho with Kim playing nice, so maybe this thing- and others like it, take Ryugyong Hotel's place?
It's something 8ch doesn't control. An across-the-board type of advertising.
>>240904'Normal' poeple?
Been here with y'all since the beginning and I understand finance. Did that Notable on the EFS (LB). You know shit I dunno. WTF is 'normal'?
If you took any psych classes, first thing they tell ya is NEVER consider anything normal; it's a relative term. Means different things to different people- can't be meausred even tho the mind-controllers want you to believe some shit's normal and other shit isn't.