Anons, did you see the latest in Cohen trial? Case stayed for <45 more days…
Court DENIES Cohen's Ex Parte Application for RestrainingOrder and CONTINUES the stay for forty-five (45) days.
A scheduling conference will be held on September 10, 2018 @ 8:30 a.m.
The parties shall file a joint 26(f) report fourteen (14) days priorto the scheduling conference. [Aug 27th?]
This matter is before the Court on Defendant Michael Cohen's ("Mr. Cohen" or "Defendant") ExParte Application for a Restraining Order Against Plaintiff's Counsel, Michael Avenatti("Application"), filed June 14, 2018. Plaintiff Stephanie Clifford ("Ms. Clifford" or "Plaintiff")opposed the Application ("Opposition") on June 25, 2018. Defendant replied ("Reply") on July 2,2018. A hearing on the matter was held on July 27, 2018.For the following reasons, the CourtDENIES the Application.