Migrant refugee russian bots and anons are taking free press journalists jobs. They are illegally voting and Jim accosta separates their children at the social media censorship border wall.
I'm no good at graphics. Would love if an anon could memeify that.
A thought I had
As technology advances, it makes processes more efficient jobs obsolete. Msm are the ice boxes and they thought refrigerators were a fad.
They had no problem when manufacturing jobs were shipped offshore or when influxes of illegals either took jobs for lower pay or acted as wage suppresors ( I think it goes without saying that this isn't racist )
But now it's them. And it will keep going. Do we need teachers? Professors? Physical schools? No. A handful could teach millions by video.
Do you need these journalists? They don't even understand why Benjamin Franklin was so pro 1st amendment — because the British made it illegal to run a non registered licensed printing press. Now the free press demands respect because they supposedly have authority as if following who what where why and how is that difficult. They are red coats, colluding with silicon valley to do what the British did almost 250 years ago, find illegal printing presses and execute the operators. In modern times it's shadowbanning .
Our schools, governments cities were designed during the early industrial revolution. Combined they act like curtains on a movie screen at a movie theater — it took decades before that just stopped and nobody asked why it had been done or why 8t stopped. It just did.