>Right! but why did Q delete?
When it was posted, there was a trump tweet 50 minutes later. Deleting the post made the delta line up with the latest post #.
There was another [marker] that used the same method shortly after.
The other reason was the substance of the post. That email floated around during the 2016 election, but was declared false by Wikileaks. It's also written with a pretty tongue-in-cheek on the nose tone.
Q implied that this email was leaked by the white hats, but it isn't an actual email that was sent and could be verified.
They used real information they had to craft a pointed but fake email, sending a message to the deep state that they knew about the election rigging, including some truth in the fake as proof.
I think deleting the post sort of represents the nature of that email as a fake. Q wanted to guide us to the relevance of that old fake, but then deleted it once the point was made.
This caused a lot of skepticism and concern at the time (why is Q showing us an old fake post, then deleting it?). Myself included.
However, they deleted the post and included the deletion in the [50] Q/POTUS confirmation, which sort of drove the point home that it was dropped and deleted for a legitimate reason.