Is "Podesta" a real name or a stage name you can adopt like "Alefantis" when you are in on the Club? seems like "Podesta" is the lobbying and child trafficking guild.
remember James Alefantis being an anagram for "I love children" in french?
"Podesta" seems like the akronym for "Pedophile Molesta"
that was staged. and it was used to shut down any mainstream investigation into the matter.
Pope Francis trying to save his own old piece of shit ass.
Do you people realize when all is said and done, and the pedophiles arrested, the illuminati in prison, the scumbags hanged, how epic it will be looking back at it all and how many many many obvious crumbs and q proofs were given by Potus again and again?
wouldnt be surprised if the operation "alice in wonderland" was a big script to take down the cabal once and for all.
there will be a series on HBO with trump explaining it all and we will see how they were laughing when they showed the uberdimensional letter from Kim or the white rabbit at the white house. fucking genius!