WRVA in Richmond did a "story" about us. This is normally a right-leaning station, but they savaged the movement with the usual talking points (we're all bakers smh) but with something new… the people at the rallies wearing Q stuff are actually Democrat plants to make POTUS and his followers look crazy. That's a new one for me, but I bet we hear it a lot more. I guess "reporting" now means "I read the article on Slate and the Hill".
Agree. The WRVA "news" report today said that Q claimed RFK Jr. Is alive, for instance. And that Mueller is really a good guy working with POTUS… we all have our opinions about these things but unless Q flat out says or confirms them, they should not be part of our daily redpilling efforts.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else think that the NXVIUM (spell it) would not have made such a bug splash if it wasn't for Q efforts? I think so, wonder if there is consensus.