Anonymous ID: 36dd00 Aug. 2, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2412784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2856 >>3054

Strzok Demanded ‘Expanded Powers’ Before Joining Mueller Probe


Anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok demanded expanded powers before joining the special counsel’s Russia investigation; requesting the ability to “declassify” information in a series of recently revealed emails.


According to Fox News, Strzok insisted on “preserving his security clearance and powers he held as a deputy assistant director” before signing-on to Mueller’s probe into allegations of Russian election interference.


Strzok insisted on preserving his security clearance and powers he held as a deputy assistant director


“Broadly, I need to be able to act at least in the capacity of my old CD [counterintelligence division] DAD [deputy assistant director] job – approve NSLs [national security letters], conduct [redacted] declassify information, [redacted] agent travel, requisitions, etc. Of those, the most problematic and one of the most essential is declassification authority,” Strzok wrote in an email to the FBI counterintelligence chief in July 2017.


“In answer to your initial question, while assigned to the special counsel’s office, you will retain your CD DAD authorities to include declassification authority,” fired back the FBI boss.


“Assuming the 7th floor approves, you will remain on CD’s books as a fourth (floating) DAD. When you move on from your DAD position, your DAD slot will revert back to HRD [human resources department],” he added.


You can read a bigger article on it on FOX and there is a vid there also.