She's not wrong though…who's creating AI and pushing the transhumanism movement? Who's spreading diseases to white out people? Zionists white people. Maybe it's in their nature…bloodline of the evil one. School shootings? You guessed it. Introduced and pushed cocaine in inner cities? C_A run by WHITE PEOPLE. Don't pretend it exists while the world crumbles. Black people bleaching their skin to fit in. Asians making anime with European features as to worship the fairer skin.
If only there was a news outlet during slave times when white slave owners sodomized black fathers in front of their families to show dominance. White people are fucking terrified of being the minority after fucking up every other minority. Who gave small pox to a group of people that wanted to break bread and feast? WHITE PEOPLE. Always have an ulterior motive when coming in the name of "peace & friendship."
White people have no chill. Kek.
>Alex Jones
*Bill Hicks is controlled opposition. Stop sucking his cock. He'll "lose" his Sandy Hook case as a way to tell free thinkers it's futile to prove these false flags. You can't possibly be this stupid…