Part 2 of 3
1) This is not a right-wing movement. There are many people who follow Q that started off as left-wing on the political spectrum. Chief among them Bernie Sanders supporters who were appalled at the corruption the WikiLeaks release of the DNC Podesta e-mails revealed in regards to rigging the DNC primaries against Bernie. Please note that the e-mails were leaked, not hacked by Russians as the MSM purports. Once again do not take my word for it, William Binney, former technical director of the NSA has repeatedly gone on record to state that the metadata from the e-mails shows that the rate of transcription far exceeded anything that can be accomplished via a remote connection. It had to be a local transfer. Source interview with William Binney: This movement is about 1 thing and 1 thing only: the truth. Look at all of the Republicans that have stepped down or are not seeking re-election in the Google docs Anonymous has been updating for months: That is unprecedented. The corruption is on both sides of the aisle although less so on the Republican side. This country can not function without a government however, so military intelligence made the call to save one of the parties.
2) The article states that we believe anything nothing could be more false. While it is certainly true that there are gullible people in all walks of life, the majority of the Q followers are some of the most skeptical people. We form our opinions based on the evidence we uncover combing through CIA archives, congressional records, and a myriad of other open sources; even your favorite the good old fashioned books. I have for months been posted source documents I found that support the Q breadcrumbs. Feel free to go through my timeline and look. They start around November 2017 with the Socratic posts called follow the white rabbit. Later on I start posting just the raw data for people's review.
3) 4chan and 8 chan are completely anonymous, unlike what the article states. For added security logins can be encrypted with a double hash function if you are familiar with what that is. Because of the anonymous nature of the chans, the classical "appeal to authority" heuristic bias is largely eliminated allowing for the free exchange of ideas and evidence and allowing each person to reach their own conclusion.
4) The reason the people are upset with CNN and other MSM outlets is because they have been completely infiltrated by the CIA and are used as a propaganda outlet to serve the global elite. You are a life-long learner, here is where I will challenge you to educate yourself. Search for the history of the CIA using these terms in any search engine: OSS, Wild Bill Donovan, CIA. After you have done that here are two congressional records for your review regarding the CIA's infiltration of the press: and The infiltration of the media and press largely falls under a program called "Operation Mockingbird". Feel free to research even more on your own.
5) The Washington Post is owned by Amazon now. Amazon recently won a contract to host the CIA's files on the cloud. Search on any search engine, connect the dots.
6) The article states that Trump erroneously claimed that Obama had him wiretapped. In fact exactly that did happen. The whole FISA abuse scandal has already publicly acknowledged that the Trump campaign was spied upon. There was so much evidence and it was so irrefutable that even CNN had to acknowledge the truth: