Not just Russian aren’t you listening …ALL…..voter ID anyone?;)
Midterms are Safe!!! Now to find that drop
Because…both sides are concerned about voting legitimacy AND if red wave ..theirs no question of bs when it happens …does that explain it ? And it’s first steps towards voter ID
Because board/bread was made before drop….it will be in next one
The “reporters” and their stupid repeat questions …if they only knew how stupid they sound ….will be nice when one day these become educated briefings
Brownie buttons don’t apply ….saving America does! And he knows the bigger picture….we are here to show that support by listening learning and spreading the info we learn
Write a check at store you will need ID check at store you need ID …they wanna play in the weeds to confuse
Time to turn off fox for 6 hours lollllll sad but true