Happening NOW SHTF in IRAN
Protests everywhere…it looks like a warzone
Heshmat Alavi ❌
10h10 hours ago
August 2
Shiraz, #Iran
Protesters chanting:
"This is the month of blood, mullahs will be overthrown"
"Let him go"
August 2
#Shiraz, #Iran
Protesters chanting:
"Mullahs must get lost"
"Crackdown is no use"
August 2
Mashhad, #Iran
Reports indicate authorities have opened fire on demonstrators.
A number of protesters have been arrested by repressive forces.
In Shiraz protesters forced anti-riot forces to retreat after firing tear gas into the protesting crowd.
August 2
#Isfahan, #Iran
Authorities are seen viciously attacking & arresting a number of protesters.
August 2
#Shiraz, #Iran
More videos of large number of protesters chanting:
"Death to the dictator"
August 2
Kermanshah, W #Iran
Demonstration reported in Azadi Square.
Large number of police & plainclothes agents are dispersing the crowd.
Internet is very slow & activists can't send videos.
August 2
Mashhad, #Iran
Protesters chanting:
"Death to high prices"
"We don't want incompetent officials"
"Palace residents, let go of the country"
August 2
#Shiraz, #Iran
Protesters chanting:
"Cowards, cowards" to the regime's authorities & security forces.
August 2 - Qarchak Zibashahr, #Iran
Protesters chanting:
"Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, My life for Iran"
August 2
#Tehran, #Iran
Vali Asr Square
Voice says security forces attacked a young woman & she is laying on the ground.
First groups of protesters are shaping.