Civic-nationalism is nothing but open-border egalitarianism wrapped in an American flag holding a tattered piece of parchment.
So called "legal migration" is nothing but a legal fiction to get people to believe in open-borders. It preys on the mental heuristic that "legal=moral or just."
There is nothing normal or moral and just about one-million+ people per year coming to displace us and leech off us.
If you believe in "legal migration" you should ask yourself 2 things;
Why do you believe in it?
How is one-million+ people coming here a year "legally" ANY different from totally open-borders?
At that rate of displacement, why even bother?
If ONE MILLION+ totally foreign people flooded into your homeland each year, year after year, you would rightfully and accurately call it an invasion.
But because a handful of Congressmen in the 1960s wrote it on a piece of paper you now think it's something else? Absurd.
The US government currently kills between 1-5 MILLION animals each year for BigAgriculture so they can grow more food for all the "new Americans" flooding our homeland.
The wall would be substantially better for wildlife than the current predatory migration scheme. Try again.
Additionally, guess who doesnโt give a damn if their meat/poultry is free-range, grass-fed, or humanely raised?
Hint: N
As the white demand for ethical animal farming becomes an infinitely smaller part of the greater demand for chicken nuggets, what do they think will happen?
Caring about wildlife isn't a left/right issue, faggot.
Seems that most of the hunting community is both conservative and extremely invested in protecting our wildlife and environment.
Caring about wildlife/environment is a WHITE PEOPLE issue. No other race gives a fuck as much as white people do.
not a slide, at least try to read a little you lazy nog.
Fuck your scroll.