Q I'm cutting the shit, you guys hacked into my shit, took over my phone, had me buy the good frys, put me into the chans back in november, I know about the water bottles, Trump ,Tucker,and Alex, Cernovich, I know, You know this, you went thru my shit you know who I am, you know what they are doing to me now as well, I know God is also with us, as do other Anons here, I know I'm not alone, you also know I have given up everthing and exposed these fucks to a lot of people, I know you guys are behind the scenes and I see the plane, If fatty from bahrain is on the team (fuck you fatty) but lets pull the trigger, they have now went full blast, YOU KNOW IT ALL BUDDY, you know I know, maybe a little more personal then most, I can only take so much here man, I am ready to re build it
NO comms Right? but not before that, Q knows he cherry picked some of us