How though? How did Q get control of the MSM? Why now if it was always possible?
Or…Organically grow this and when the crop is tall enough, hold a rally and, wink wink, make sure there’s no way the cameras from any angle can miss the continual pop up of the signs thus forcing msm to cover it, knowing people will ask questions.
(I mean the chubby dude sitting behind trump at that rally in Tampa…he looked like he fucking got woke on television. I was half laughing and half wishing I could be next to the kid and give him a hug, cause I get it. (No homo). He was a Vet, too. Stood when our President inquired about our Vets. Just want to thank him for his service if he ever ends up here and reads this. Hope he’s learning truth and holding up alright.)
It seems like they all had their Q research ready and good to go for their attacks ….odd for something that just kind of came along, literally overnight for a story. By their view to viewers and readers at least.
I think they knew they would have to say something eventually, seems maybe out of fear they suffer from prematurefakenewsulation. I’d of waited personally. I didn’t see enough at that rally to cause this. But they saw something. Or didn’t. Starting to think they might not know how to wipe their own ass. Only how to pay someone too. That’ll come back to haunt ya.