Anonymous ID: d70113 Aug. 2, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.2417622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7675 >>7754 >>7786

A note to the newcomers here on the culture of this board.


  • This is a free speech board. That means that despite having what we feel are virtuous goals and intentions, we do not moderate against offensive images or language, that which we disagree with, or stupidity.

  • We are an extremely diverse group of people with extremely diverse beliefs, backgrounds, demographics, and opinions. We are united in our pursuit of uncovering the truth and seeing justice carried out, but there is not a unifying ideology or worldview here.

  • Because of the above two points, you will invariably see things that will make your eyes roll (like people insisting the world is flat) and things that make your blood boil (like racially charged "hate speech"). Please understand that your reaction to things like that is most of our reactions as well. No single post or person speaks for us any more than a single citizen of a country can speak for the whole nation or a single member of a church can speak for a religion.

  • If you value truth and believe no one is above the law, then we are on the same side in this fight.

  • Because this is our central research and conversation hub, and we are usually pre-occupied with certain topics of discussion or presenting and evaluating research, the conversation is geared towards each other more than newcomers. That can make it seem hostile or insensitive at times. But it is important to note that one of the most important things we all agree on is the phrase "Where We Go One, We Go All." Our desire is for everyone to know the truth, for genuine oppressors and manipulators and criminals to face justice, and for all of us to benefit in that process.


The culture here does not have the same degree of sensitivity towards offensive words that you'll see in most places, or may have yourself. They literally have different meanings and intentions here.


"Autist." This is an affectionate, and usually SELF-depreciating term of endearment for the people who post here. It comes from both the fact that many posters here actually have some degree of high functioning autism, and that fact that people with high functioning autism are particularly good at the type of research and/or connecting of the dots that we do here.

"Fag." This is used as a self-depreciating term of endearment here. If I've been on this site for years, I may call myself an "oldfag." If I'm posting from my cellphone, I may say I'm a "mobilefag." People here who are particularly good at tracking at plane flight routes call themselves "planefags." Etc. It is never used as a slur or in reference to gay people.

"Nigger." This is used in two ways. First, in the common usage of endearment or casual interchange with words like "dude/man" that you often see in pop culture or among minority cultures. Second, disparagingly towards people who are genuinely evil. It is not used as a slur towards black people.

Words like these originated in their usages here at the beginning of this website, far before they were quite as taboo in the popular culture and NOT with the hateful intentions with which many use these words that made them taboo in the first place. They have remained staples here in many people's speech, and while plenty of posters don't approve, don't like it, or even are outright offended by their usage, because it is a free speech board, their usage is not moderated. For the most part, even those who are offended choose to look beyond the words and look at the intention of the poster.


Lastly, because every post is numbered, some traditions and superstitions have emerged. When the last digits in a post number are repeating (especially more than 2 digits), we call that a "get." For most, it's fun to point this out when it happens to quality or amusing posts. For some, it's a mild superstition to take it as a sign that the poster was on to something, about as serious as saying "it's 11:11, make a wish!" And for others it's a larger superstition, like someone not washing their Jersey for all of Football season.


The main take-away for new-comers is that because this is such an extremely diverse group of perspectives, and we have next to zero moderation for legal content, you are bound to see ridiculous, offensive, and NSFW content while you are here. What unites us is the pursuit of exposing the truth the public, and the public to the truth.

So, please: always be skeptical of anyone who claims to speak for this board, since we have no central or known participants, know that this board does not condone violence or hatred whatsoever, and understand that the opinions of one poster do not reflect the entire group. What matters here and unites us is only the verifiable truth.

Everything else is idle chatter, fringe posters, or at worst–attempts to discredit the work and research being done on this board.