I like praying medic's work…red pilled goes down easy with his work product. Sent it out to many, who wrote back grateful and get it now.
Poor Beverly … she had no idea all the president's have been bought and paid for, for decades.
She actually thought Obama was different from Bush.
That elections brought in a whole new set of changes.
Not until Trump came in and upset the whole apple cart, and started draining the swamp of all these predators have we seen a change that embraced this Republic and all her people in it.
Sort of like Hillary having to wear that flimsy shower curtain on stage in NY last week. If that was a conscious wardrobe choice who ever picked it out for HRC is a passive aggressive and took it out their hate on her by pulling it out for her to wear.
No wait … your saying this Kate met this guy online?
She was the reason he was here in the first place?
Did they interview the guy? Or are all the comments about this guy being reported via Kates version?
Appreciate you too Anon.