Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2420983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2420701 (lb)

Let us now learn a little about jewish culture and history so you can understand why judaism IS a supremacist ideology


From the book “When Victims Rule” (link to book: ):

“ In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance: "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection ... God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:


"God ... said to Abraham ... You shall circumcise the flesh of

the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me

and you." GENESIS: 17:9-13


With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew ... it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?


"Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that -- if they obeyed the laws and demands of God -- they would someday be as "numerous as the stars.""



>Problems with the above facts:


Circumcision is scientifically proven to cause permanent brain damage in children (pic related 1);


Its a form of non-consentual religious branding;


Its a barbaric form of child abuse via male genital mutilation; and


The first reason it is done in the first place is to remind the jewish children that they are "God's chosen", which incites the jews to adopt a supremacist mindset toward the goyim/catle, who according to judaism are implicitly inferior due to not being jews, and thus, not part of the ones who were "chosen by God".


Important note


For those that say that ”most science today is fraud”, in order to implicitly downplay the relevance of the studies about circumcision causing permanent brain damage in children I say this:


Go grab the test I am referring to and disprove it using the scientific method then if you want to solidify what you're trying to imply.

Extreme pain in children scars alters their brain structure (aka: brain damage), circumcision does that to children.


For those that say that “As a very acomplished person, I see no problem with the process of circumcision because I am a very acomplished person”, I say this:


Doesn't mean the damage isn't there.

Doens't make the process of circumcision any less barbaric.

Doesn't make judaism any less of an idological threat to the West.


You could just be lying. Try to not use anecdotes next time, try to use verifiable facts :)

Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.2421125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1156 >>1296


Exposing jewish supremacism is not divisive, and equating exposing FACTS pertaining to jewish subversion to shilling IS shilling.

Have some more info about this issue.


Frenly reminder that jews control the fake news violence inciting treasonous media. Pic related 1.




Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion. Pic related 2.

Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.


That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."


Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.


Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and I say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.


Pic related 3, 4 and 5 are excellent examples of why this is necessary, and it WILL happen, one way, or another.


In case you have trouble reading ANY image in the board: right click the image and select the option "open in new tab" or "open in new window", then you will be able to zoom in all the way on it.

Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.2421311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1410



>Progressives were racist, anti semitic

Progressives are not anti-semitic, the whole "progressive" political ideology (cultural marxism) was created and initially spread by jews, as an ideological weapon of subversion. This is a verifiable fact.

Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.2421373   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Its not, I just choose my wording to be as non–aggressive as possible. A part of the audience will look at the verifiable facts if they are presented in a very soft way wording wise, I take that into account on my posts as best as I can (not always).

>this is war

Indeed, ideological and cultural war.

Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.2421624   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dr. Tony Martin, one of the victims of the jewish censorship and harassment apparatus speaking about the jewish role in the slave trade of the US.

Anonymous ID: 626e3a Aug. 2, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.2421666   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A simple graph pertaining to the cultural marxist progressive (aka: far-left) terrorist group Antifa (which is used as the paramilitary arm of the Democrat party in the US, just like it was used in the same way in Germany in the 30’s by the communist party). Useful to quickly inform people who don’t know anything about what Antifa is about.


By the way, a lot of Antifa recruiting is done on schools by subversive marxist teachers, make sure to arm your kids with and inform your friends who have kids of this counter-measure to that: