Anonymous ID: ff55f4 Aug. 2, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.2421019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1033 >>1072 >>1096 >>1183 >>1276 >>1319 >>1465 >>1561

Most anons are being logical, but for the rest of you:


  • Q takes us to the main stream (major goal, achieved)

  • What happens when opposition hits critical mass in the public consciousness?

  • MSM coordinates to talk about the potential dangers of the Qanon phenomenon.

  • Anderson Cooper piece even has Cuomo say "they can believe what they want, but they do in the NAME of those beliefs is what matters" despite there being literally no radical threat to ever come from anons or this board.

  • Sarah Sanders asked about Q, she hand waves and says "we don't support any violent group whatsoever."


They are obviously covering bases for what appears to a building towards a false flag to discredit this movement. POTUS must distance himself from Q until that blows over so it doesn't look like he's radicalized a group of gun nuts, which is what MSM will try to push.


Even more suspicious, the same day MSM coordinates against Q, they coordinate against 3D printed guns. Today, some single posting anon links the download for the 3D gun, says it's only 1 dollar, and tells anons to enjoy. Can you see the narrative building?

OF COURSE POTUS needs to get out ahead of this before they can false flag.

Q is now mainstream. We don't need POTUS to confirm Q. We need the claims raised on this board to be discussed, people to get curious and dig for themselves, and then POTUS to deal with those claims.

Belief in Q is not and has never been the end goal. Exposure of the cabal is. Revealing truth is. Creating an outcry for disclosure and justice is.

And don't forget, one of the earliest Q crumbs solidified that POTUS will not openly associate himself with Q. He must appear impartial and separate from the storm.


Please calm down, concernfags. Keep redpilling, keep digging, and enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: ff55f4 Aug. 2, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2421139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310


Only thing I can think of is that false flags have crisis actors, and no actual victims. They're gathering evidence of additional crimes and tracking additional networks as they prepare the hammer drop. They appear to not want to take action until they can do so against all bad actors simultaneously. Lots of moving parts, I imagine.