Guys, tbh, AJ has been WAY more on point about what's going on in the world and the current threat than Q has been for a LONG time.
Don't believe me, just watch the first 5 minutes of his show today.
And a pre-emptive FUCK YOU to all the hatefags that will immediately post after this.
Just fucking watch it faggot. 3 minutes if you can't handle 5.
Then compare to what Q is doing now (and recently).
Trying to get us to famefag for him so he can do god knows what once he's mainstream?
While simultaneously posting NON-proofs about everything?
Put up or shut up, Q.
Anons, I'm on your team here. We've unearthed incredible findings and I support (and contribute) A LOT to this effort.
Just saying, keep in mind Q is UNIDENTIFIED yet we blindly trust.
Always healthy to question that once in a while.
After tonight's disappointment, I'm going to keep focusing on the new NYT libtard chi-com bitch so we can take her down and actually DO SOMETHING that has an impact on the world.
(preemptive) KYS fagoots