>>2424680 (lb)
For the MSM
What Qresearch is
Questions asked by Q.
Anons find Answers.
Basically a Q & A.
Fact based research.
Outside of the box thinking.
Connections made through open source internet.
Drops do not always make sense until future events prove to be true (proofs)
The meaning of Future proves Past.
We are patriots of the USA
We are patriots of our relative countries(non-USA).
We the people.
What Qresearch is not.
We will never be Violent.
(we would never harm another unless it was in defense)
The facts we have found are not a Conspiracy.
(a lot of conspiracies are shared but quickly dismissed)
We do not report Fake News.
(we do not make false stories to fit a narrative or agenda)
We are not racist.
(often, actually constantly, rasict people frequently post that are not part of this movement. They are in fact, operatives of the people we are researching/or bad actors still in government)
Something like this?