sexually assaulting pedos and rapists is illegal and it is not what heroic individuals do
When a criminal is in custody, the military/police are not in a situation of having to abuse someone to survive. There are legal interrogation techniques that work. If you break the law to enforce the law, that is called lawlessness and abdication of the rule of law. It does not work; in the end it is always tyranny.
Too many movies glamorizing theft - like Ocean's 11.
When will they admit that the DNC/Dems hacked the voting machines and allowed foreign nationals (illegal immigrants) to affect the election by illegal voting.
Just another globalist useful idiot and anti-American subversive.
go away child abusing pervert
Child porn can include adults who look like children or minors.
It was Christianity that gave you the Declaration of Independence. Christianity is the least fascist worldview that you will find on Earth. Learn some true history. Jesus came to set the slaves to lucifer, sin and death free. The Republic is being restored by remembering and recapturing the Christian heritage of this nation. Communists/globalists number two aim is to destroy Christianity, number one is to destroy the family.
One of the best moments in American history.
Why do you think POTUS placed the USA under the protection of God in his inauguration speech? This battle of good versus evil is a spiritual battle. Ask the luciferians.