threat 1 = oklahoma man
threat 2 = kate
they staged their conversations in order to "frame" him and get her close to POTUS
they are one and the same
Q's "VIP Access" post and subsequent no Q signs order was a message sent to them. we know.
threat 1 = oklahoma man
threat 2 = kate
they staged their conversations in order to "frame" him and get her close to POTUS
they are one and the same
Q's "VIP Access" post and subsequent no Q signs order was a message sent to them. we know.
why would kate claim she was being "hunted"?
why would she compare herself to seth rich?
if she was an actual threat to POTUS why would she still be allowed into the rally?
she is full of shit. whistleblowers don't give interviews and draw attention to themselves like this.
she was nervous, her inflection was off, she kept pointing to the newspaper like a prop as if she needed that to back up her story
she didn't seem genuinely concerned for the president's safety, or her own
instead she seemed overly proud - too much smiling
everything about the video was off.
add this to it
anons why is this woman still tweeting and not apprehended if she was a real threat??
optics? POTUS+ can't let on they know what they know?
oklahoma man/kate were a distraction from the real threat: PA hitman still at large?
Kathryn L. Keloโr
is mazzochetti not her real name??
google suggests "kathryn l. kelchner"