Our tax dollars hard at work.
Is there anyone with any competence working in government aside from Trump?
Our tax dollars hard at work.
Is there anyone with any competence working in government aside from Trump?
←- Kikery at its finest.
If Hillary were president, Trump would be in jail, and her thugs would have been rounding people up like no tomorrow. And that would be against armed groups. She would not have given a shit.
I can't understand why, if they have legitimate evidence of crimes we are waiting because we are afraid of antifa or some other group easily subdued.
How come the high level pedos are not being arrested?
We know Biden is a Pedo, as well as many others in govt. I doubt that would start a riot. Most people would cheer.
Are you a complete retard? Yes. Of course you are.
Are you really suggesting that 50% of the USA is pro PEDO? Seriously? What drugs are you taking?
You should study our military and geopolitics.
Your scenario has a less than zero percent chance of happening.
You eat a dick. 50% of the USA is not pro PEDO. Use your brain, if you have one.
I would too.
No. They need to start prosecutions. PUBLIC so nonsense does not go on. Light is the best disinfectant.
"Kate" is a jew.
If "Kate" is accused of a criminal act, why the fuck are we talking about it? Are we supposed to, what, make a citizens arrest?
This is bullshit and a waste of time.