Q, with all due respect, when you said "something big is about to drop" The president being at risk is nothing new. We all want him safe, and pray for that everyday. When will the FBI arrest John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, and anyone else that has raped children. If you really do have that evidence why would you wait?
I'll do what the fuck I want. If Q and team really wanted to take down the Dems, and had absolute proof of their crimes against children, give me a good reason why they should wait.
Hows it going to look if this satanic cult kills more children, and Trump and team knew about them for over a year and didn't stop them? I'm starting to question Q. This just doesn't add up. If President Trump had solid evidence of these crimes, I don't think he'd wait like this.
Im no political strategist, but if I had proof that my opponents were pedophiles, I'd drop it instantly. Rigging elections wouldn't be an issue because dems wouldn't hold power for at least 30 decades. Bust Biden, Hillary, Bill and Podesta, and they would checkmate the dems for decades. Somethings not adding up here.
No they would not. Not if they had the evidence that they claim they have. Q, your slip is starting to show. If these pedos dont start getting arrested soonโฆ.you're a larp.
I'm with you man. I love Trump, and he's doing an incredible job, but this Q shit has turned out to be a yuge waste of time. Not one arrest or even charges brought against people for doing unspeakable crimes. This trust the plan bullshit is getting old.
If you had VIDEO evidence, witnesses, emails, phone records, texts, there would be no way to spin it. There would be no opposition left to rig an election, and the dems would be the pedo party overnight. Plus, having undeniable evidence of a satanic colt that rapes/kills kids, and not take action immediately would never be acceptable to President Trump. It's just not adding up, anon.
2000 kids go missing everyday. While the high priestess walks free?
From what I understand, DJT barred that sick freak from his properties. No records of him on the lolita express either. Trumps clean imo.