Well Im going to go out on a limb and say I dont think it may be as nefarious as all that.
I think KateAnon may have really really wanted to meet Potus and duped some lonely dude into driving up there for the rally and gave him the snub.
As it developed it morphed into a chance to be the hero and get to meet Potus.
KA they are going to be able to access any correspondence between you and the guy in the clink.
If you’re lying the best thing to do is come clean before this gets worse.
I’ve seen some shit over the years on social media and men and women play some sick games with each other to get what they want.
Sometimes it goes bad. Dont let this dude sit in the pokie if you played him.
We’d all like to meet Potus but not at the price of an innoncent fellas freedom.
God Bless Patriots
It will come out in the wash. Lets see what happens to dude.