1) Kate says she was in danger / death if HRC elected / whistleblower on website
2) She is on 4chan (infiltrate early)
3) Multiple Twatters
4) Part of TT run by Harry Miller… honey pot
5) Meets with Harry 7/22
6) Harry at VFW with POTUS 7/24 (hug)
7) She says “Harry save me seat” (VIP Access connection)
8) 3 min b4 doors open “thank you Harry”
9) Odd tweet about “taking a shot”
10) selfie behind stage “tried to get behind POTUS”
11) BOYD must be in train too.. no evidence of twitter comms for months as paper claimed
12) She knew Boyd when he came to her house (from Twitter ID/pic?) need evid
13) URL Witsoverwealth leads to malware virus .. bad! Don’t click!
14) Strzok activated Kate OP with Coke (message sent)
15) Roll on her USSS!