Anonymous ID: ea4593 Aug. 3, 2018, 2:09 a.m. No.2427934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8003

Some musings.

I have always been suspicious of the term "narrative" or, to use Q's terminology "script" when used in connection with government and media. It implies that either media or government or both are acting in a predetermined way to impose a predetermined outcome on the people they purport to serve. But free people do not act according to a script; their decisions are spontaneous and extempore based on personal knowedge and belief. What gives a certain "elite" class of humanity the right to compose a script for the rest of humanity to follow? That is not freedom - it's control And, per Q, no human has a right to control another human. The very concept of a government narrative which must be disseminated by mass media to control a population is anathema to freedom.

Only a Creator has the right to compose a narrative for His creation and make demands of them; and logically there can only be ONE true Creator. All others are necessarily pretenders. And if there is no Creator (as evolutionary theory would have us believe) then humanity is self-created and not obligated to any super-natural being - we are our own gods and directors of our own "narrative." So whichever way you cut it, one group of people should never control another group of people. That is a Creator's right alone.

Now, if we are created and our Creator has written the narrative for humanity, it should be available to us. Well, whaddyaknow? It is - The Bible! The whole span of human history from Creation, the fall, salvation via faith in, first the substitutionary atonement via animal sacrifice, then the once for all sacrifice of Jesus, in our place, and finally the future denouement as revealed in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Guess what? Q is correct again: God wins. Furthermore, within God's narrative, humanity has the freedom to choose right from wrong, good from evil, to serve the Creator or Satan.

What I find interesting is that there are several groups of people who are impervious to the script that politicians and media would have us follow. Those who believe that God alone has the right to compose a narrative for humanity (i.e. Christians) and, for some strange reason, autists, who are compelled by some higher brain function to discover order and patterns where others see only chaos, i.e. to seek truth. Which is why Christians have always been persecuted - they will only comply with their Creator's narrative as that is the only script that is valid. Governments HATE that. I'm not an autist so I don't know if persecution by government is their lot also. But I'm pretty sure they are the reason Q came here and why Christians followed.