Anonymous ID: 2685fb Aug. 3, 2018, 6:41 a.m. No.2429778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

got this really wierd feeling, explain why.

kinda think I helped a DACA protest outside of Schumers place (awhile back), my tweet was meant for patriots to get out and let their reps know, we don't need no stinking illegals. Anyway next day. Front page news protests outside "Top Kikes" home.

Shared a Q post from, explained just a little. Then took it down from fedkike. I have smart friends. I have trust they arlready know. But next day false flag averted at a rally. I'm too far away to be accomplice, would never do such a thing, or be persuaded too, but definately fit the 'fringe' label they could pin. IDK wierded me out. Seriously about to lay waste to social media accounts, rather I do or I don't, get the feelz I'd be someone they'd try to blame. I don't think i'm the only one here. The reason I share is kinda to say. Watch out, take a step back before you click send.