K for Killer
K for Kamel, Camel
C for CIA
Decent anons will be reasonably polite.
The retards will be retards/rude.
The shills will be retards/rude.
This is a human flesh machine that crowd sourse it's intelligence.
Sometimes your inner voice might be correct and you shouldn't quieten just because of a few retards.
Then again, if what you contribute is retarded…
Best wishes…
Ok thanks, I'll check that again, we'll see.
I remember saving a research paper reporting that, as well as a newspaper article.
Patriots are not invaders and rapists.
That's why we are here- we generally think out-of-the-box, have more common-sense than is common, and can see that the Emperor has noi clothes. Plus we have a big mouth.
Meanwhile, the third world continues to flow down the toilet as its' "best and brightest" relocate to where the free money and dumb pussy is.
Go back to Tel Aviv and open YOUR house.