Looking at another anons discussing kate / assassination attempts, something is missing from the discussion: we (Q anons) were going to be blamed for it since I assume the attempt would be made by someone with a Q shirt / sign etc…
This would serve several purposes to (them). Media spends ungodly amount of time calling this a conspiracy lunatic fringe group. A "member" of this group makes an attempt on POTUS. We essentially become a terrorist group and anything we have discovered is immediately invalid and we would likely become targets. All the horrible shit does come out and no one believes it since we are a terrorist group. MSM goes on a campaign of "we told you so and you should trust what we tell you." The sheep go back to sleep and the bullshit starts all over again.
We dodged a YUGE bullet anons, they are that desperate to stop (their) coming demise and we would've made the perfect patsy to cover their asses. My thoughts and prayers are stronger than ever for all involved and God's love to each of you in this most dangerous of times. WWG1WGA.