Understanding Anons
In the beginning, we warned each other (and Q later confirmed) we'd be accused of violence performed by bad actors pretending to be anons. All anons that are true to the movement have easily agreed violence is undesired and futile. If you see violence, do not assume it is performed by anons; know that bad actors likely made it appear to be the work of anons.
Anons are deep thinkers with ingrained American patriotism. We were awakened to criminals early on and began to gather evidence and solve complex clues to their crimes. To protect the movement (and ourselves), we agreed anonymous identity was the best way to forge ahead. We also agreed no censorship would occur as we worked online in the midst of other wretched anonymous online posters. Alongside the terrible images and posts falling around our research posts in the forums, we easily recognized anon genius at work. Decrepit posts by enemies of the movement continue(d) to offend newly arrived online posters (normies). It actually works in our favor in that it causes many thin-skinned people to turn away rather than stay and muddy-up the results of our research. From our toils, graphic images called "memes" (pronounced meems) make their way out onto the Internet showing our research results or simply carrying the theories we espouse.
But Aren't These Just Conspiracy Theories?
The employees of mainstream media (MSM) companies like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS and others are firmly under the control of bad actors through blackmail or bribery. This includes threats to the welfare of their families, threats of job loss or outing private activities they want to remain private. Though this does not exonerate the seditious narrative MSM employees continue to push, it is recognizable to anons who are only human. One of the things the MSM has done to complicate the ability for Truth to be revealed to you is to reinvent the phrase "conspiracy theory". Long ago, they began the habit of reporting undesired news using the phrase conspiracy theory–stories they believed the general populace would consider laughable or absurd. Over time, since only the laughable or absurd was called conspiracy theory, they essentially co-opted the phrase to manage stories they were required to report on to stay competitive–those stories they needed to fade away into the forgetful fog of manufactured ridiculousness.
You've been played, America. Conspiracies are now absurd to you.
U.S. laws clearly acknowledge conspiracies exist. When someone has a theory that someone else has conspired to commit an illegal offense, the theory concerning that conspiracy is simply a conspiracy theory. When Alfonse (Al) Capone defrauded the IRS, the FBI had a conspiracy theory that he done so and researched that theory until it was clear an actual conspiracy occurred. Then they arrested him. Conspiracies begin as conspiracy theory and remain so unless proven. Then they simply become conspiracy without the theory tagged on. Few are laughable or absurd as they are potential crimes. Anons have uncovered a plethora of potential crimes. Through research, many of these have become prosecutable crimes, moving them from conspiracy theory to full-blooded conspiracy. It's what we do and we do it well, backing it up with proof or "sauce" as we call it.
Our Mission Targets
Crime has plagued all of Mankind's existence. At one time in our history, as far back as 2000 years ago, the average person was beholden to kings, queens, slave owners or wealthy families. Though nowadays we have fewer kings, queens or slave owners, we still have many, many wealthy families. Anons have discovered an enormous amount of information–proof as well as theory–about bad actors in these wealthy families doing bad things only the wealthy could afford to do. Some of it goes back hundreds of years. It goes deeper than you could imagine and is darker than you could fathom.
Now, for the first time since President Ronald Reagan, Americans have the opportunity to remove the controlling yoke of these bad actors. These criminals have been the driving force behind war, famine, unrest and crime for far too long. The reason we now have this opportunity is the existence of the Internet. Through social media sites like 8chan (8ch.net), we are "red pilling" (see the movie The Matrix) massive amounts of people in clear sight of (and to the frustration of) the MSM. Traditional news agencies are panicking as they realize they have lost control of The Narrative. The Public has control now through social media. With this advantage and the wonderful existence of true patriots in our government, we are approaching the "Great Awakening" in spite of the controlling MSM effort. Join us. Turn off the MSM and turn on your interaction with others through social media.
Be Free and Make America Great Again!