C an't
I nfiltrate
A nymore
C an't
I nfiltrate
A nymore
Amazon tanking
The Price You Pay, When You Chose to Play with the C_A.
Information is not restricted by the laws of physics. The Cat knew about Schroedinger long before he was ever born.
Q is so deep inside Wapo's fuckin' melon.
Even if every other news outlet stopped covering Qanon, Wapo would still be dry-humping for the C_A to the point of exhaustion.
Wapo is simply the public relations nexus between the C_A and 8chan right now.
C astrated
I intelligence
A gency
He could make for a tall woman in disguise now couldn't he?
Perhaps a combination of valid press credentials for entry to stage a Qanon follower FF setup?