Flaming faggot preop
Doubtfaggong others
Seeking a false enablement
From fake claims
Old black slaves would do the same thing
Flaming faggot preop
Doubtfaggong others
Seeking a false enablement
From fake claims
Old black slaves would do the same thing
What does aflb prostitute his emotions on a pedoraptor research board
Your cia false authority is Bullshit
Come on over and I'll hit ya with hose or out ya to work
Your thumb is in your butt
This faggot can't use tacit in a sentence correctly
That the tranny name for the cia lazurues project. Some shitty zombie walks around Tucson thinking it's a prophet now
The closet homosexuals tossing soros anal sphincter are more subversive than the ciascalps
AT least bezos created an Econ for great books
Cause them gestapi sure do like burning em
how much necromancy for necrosadists did the cia commit too, enough that they had to create a narcosadist demographic for them to hang out with. Hid zombies at the frat house and country club
You should be Catholic
do the hobbits have the ring yet
are they just harrasing BO
studies prove that breakfast prevents suicide