I think the future threat is the rally in Ohio on Saturday. It had to switch venues and it stated on my tickets that no signs are allowed to be brought in (maybe it says this on all of them, my first rally so not sure). I will be there tomorrow but i don't think we are out of the woods with the 2 future post. Kate story is fishy but Q stating "not the person" i understand it as Kate should not be the focus here. The fugitive from PA is still out there and Ohio is not far.
I agree somewhat. They definitely are pushing QANON as a 'cult' and 'violent' yet nothing has ever happened to suggest this. Yet? They are definitely pushing for something to happen and they want to pin it on the folks who come to these boards and digs what Q drops.
As for Kate. She definitely has a doctor. They all do.
Q never stated this. UFO's are a distraction.