Isn't it impossible to explain it to them from their location inside their own delusion? I think you have to enter into their delusion and bring them out from there. Isn't it like they have a form of insanity, which of course they are always projecting onto us?
>>2430939 (pb)
I wrote this sentence wrong on the other page so had to re-write it:
"How can you [get outside the mind control] if you still internally go by the authority of the controllers for what is facts?
What is "facts" is actually an opinion. It's not as solid as y'all let on/ assume.
Also, miss spelled "Trump"
" to do the best research the Notables might be loosened a bit " This would be to improve the research since too much gets lost in the moment and threads are dropped which causes delays.
Was thinking the Notables should be more for the researchers than for the public/normies.
Didn't proof read that right . I apologize.