did that months ago.
checked- nice quads anon
shop local.
riches man in the world married to ugly woman.
with all that money you would think she would get those horse teeth fixed.
Still valid?
Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. That means avoiding linking to this board whether it is on your Youtube channel, Twitter account, website/blog, etc. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. Autists only here. The influx of newfags has only caused problems for the hard workers of this board as well as the staff members. We are not here to babysit, we are not here to coddle you, and we are not here to accomodate you. This board is for Q, and the autists. Take what you learn from here and spread it to the other platforms without getting in our way. WE DON'T WANT ANY MORE NEWFAGS.
so meteor is code word for missile these days?
his finger on the button?