I have my catcher's mitt on, Q. I think most of the other Patriots here do, too. So please feel free to drop that big thing any time.
Thank you, Q.
I have my catcher's mitt on, Q. I think most of the other Patriots here do, too. So please feel free to drop that big thing any time.
Thank you, Q.
We also used to need IDs to rent videos at Blockbuster, check books out from the library, and get a fishing license.
I'm so glad our President is tightening up the VOTER ID system, and I just love how we're using the B.S. "Russian meddling" baloney to do it.
Wanna know what's weird? This purported reporter, "Leon Bogdan," who allegedly wrote this "news" story, is nowhere to be found on Twatter. He is the first and only reporter I've ever heard of who does not have a Twatter account. Check it out. https:// twitter.com/search?f=users&vertical=default&q=leon%20bogdan&src=typd
Perpahs we should contact him and ask him some questions about how this "news story" came to be. . . .
Yes, Anons. Here is the link to the article "online.
Link - https:// www.pressenterpriseonline.com/daily/080218/page/1/story/trump-attack-foiled
Archive of Link - https:// archive.is/zq7hR
Curiously, one must subscribe to the paper ("The Press Enterprise") to gt the article.
Can we dig into the entire website, Anons? I don't really have time, but I think WHOOIS, etc, would be useful, along with a thorough dig into who the hell Leon Bogdan is. I have a feeling he is one kid with a fake moustache on his 15 year old face, sitting in his mother's basement waiting for the next set of instructions from "Kate."
Please dig further.
WWG!WGA, anon. Thank you for your work!
Call him. Ask him WTF?