Most of the time, yeah.
That thing shows up every bread with deeb concerns of all sorts, ignore it,
What's more important are the NAMES & why
>Some are there. That one is not.
Only a problem if one is depending only on archived threads. Same pics can be found all over. Example:
What exactly makes you think that the deletes are deliberate?
<here's a list of guys that won't stop replying to the shills even after Q said xyz
Your response just as predictable to even the most casual of observers. Find another focus in life
Michael Steinbach?
John Glacalone?
Randy Coleman?
Trisha Anderson?
Kevin Clinesmith?
Tashina Gauhar?
Sally Moyer?
[Nothing is ever truly deleted]
Once you truly learn this lesson that Q has attempted many times to get across, your concern will subside.